Howard Light Viking Earmuffs
The Howard Leight® Bilsom Viking™ V1 earmuffs are some of our top models. These products feature an NRR of 25, so they don't provide maximum hearing protection, but they're suitable for a wide range of work environments. Since these are multi-position earmuffs, they're very easy to adjust. MULTIPLE POSITION HEADBAND Several different positions give workers flexibility, so they can adjust and get the perfect fit. These earmuffs can be worn under the chin, behind the head and over the head. The Viking earmuffs are top products because they can be worn with many types of PPE. Workers frequently use these earmuffs with welding shields, face shields and hard hats. The Viking earmuffs are designed with non-deforming materials, and they also have dielectric materials, which makes them suitable for electrical environments. Unlike some of the alternative products, these earmuffs are equipped with technology for air flow control. The air flow technology protects workers across a range of frequencies. They also don't require a bigger ear cup size to deliver better protection. Since these earmuffs control how sound reaches the ear, they serve as some of the best hearing protection available. NRR 25 SNR 30 Canada B SLC80 25.5 dB/Class 5
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