The hasps on this page feature a one-inch opening, and they're excellent products to consider for lockouts and tag outs. These particular hasps are die cast with a visible red coating. If you need an effective way to make sure machinery stays locked up, these hasps are top products to consider. They're designed to keep machinery locked until all workers have finished inspections or repairs. Each worker is supposed to put a lock on the hasp, and there is no way to remove the hasp until all of the lockouts have been completely removed, which can be very effective for preventing accidents. Since these hasps are made of heavy-duty steel, they'll resist tampering. With special zinc plating, they also resist rust, so you don't have to deal with rust or employee tampering. These hasps are even insulated with red vinyl coating and can hold a total of six padlocks. They feature an interlocking style and can be used in virtually any workplace. They're commonly used in construction sites and industrial work zones. If you're looking for a convenient, effective way to keep important machinery locked up, these hasps can get the job done. |
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