The safety glass holders available for purchase on this page are popular products because they help to keep workers compliant. They can be used for the storage of multiple pairs of safety glasses, and they feature a stylish, functional design. If you need a quick way for workers to store their eye protection, these dispensers are great products to consider. What makes these dispensers such great products is the dust lid that they have. The dust lid is important because it prevents dust from settling onto glasses and goggles. These dispensers keep safety glasses clean and accessible. They can be mounted to the wall or used in a freestanding position. With such great flexibility, these dispensers can be installed in almost any location. Like several of the other dispensers we carry, these products are made of clear impact acrylic. This material is strong enough to endure tough environments, so it’s a great material for products that need to last for a long time. The safety glass holders on this page have a lid, so they protect glasses from dust and contaminants. Although they deliver great protection, they also help to keep workers compliant. |
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