If you're looking for some of the best fall protection available, consider the Elk River® Eagle Tower LX™ harnesses. They're available in four different sizes and have several great features to offer. Unmatched comfort is one of the top reasons to consider these products. Since they're very comfortable to wear, workers actually want to wear them. To keep workers secure, these harnesses are equipped with six D-rings, which are made from strong steel. The D-rings are attached to the seat strap, hips, chest and back. With D-rings are several different points, there is no single point of failure. These harnesses have shoulder pads, breakaway lanyard clips and two accessory rings. The seat strap has an aluminum bar inside of it, and there are quick-connect buckles on the chest strap. You even get a removable tool belt, and there are tongue buckles on the leg straps. The Elk River® Eagle Tower LX™ harnesses have several other great features to offer, and these features work together to keep workers safe. For excellent comfort, each harness is made of polyester and nylon materials. If you need comfortable, reliable fall protection, the Eagle Tower LX harnesses are great products to consider.
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