The cotton double palm gloves are made for heavy-duty applications. They're frequently purchased and used for maintenance, gardening and construction. You can even use them for the gas and oil industries. They feature a specific blend of polyester and cotton material. The cotton material keeps hands cool and comfortable while the polyester enhances durability. If you're looking for a great economy version of our oil gloves, these are top products to consider. They're made with a fabric blend of 60 percent cotton and 40 percent polyester. These gloves are very similar to our oil gloves, but the major difference is that they're designed for economy. With a double palm, they're able to withstand more abuse than some of our other products. These gloves have several great features to offer. They have knit wrists and red lined stitching. Although the fabric blend used for these gloves is the least expensive, it offers plenty of durability for general applications. You'll find that these gloves are very usable, durable and comfortable. Unfortunately, we only carry these gloves in sizes for men, so if you need gloves for women, you'll want to browse through our other products. |
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