Stop wasting time looking for boots and gloves with these handy racks:
We stock a few different boot racks, and the racks on this page can hold up to four pairs of boots. Some of our other racks can only hold a single pair, so these racks are ideal for individuals who need storage for up to four pairs. You can store all types of boots on these racks, and they can help your boots to dry much faster. Many work environments involve heavy rain, which can leave your boots drenched in water. If you choose to let the boots dry naturally, there is a good chance that they'll develop some serious odor. These racks are great for hanging boots of a forced heat source, so you can use them to make your boots dry much faster. Although they're designed for boots, these racks are also great for gloves. They keep your gear off of the floor and help reduce clutter. One of the greatest benefits is better organization. These racks are great for short, long, big or small boots. By maintaining the natural shape, these racks prevent your boots from permanent bending and cracking. For maximum durability, each rack is made of durable steel and black epoxy. |
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