We stock many different first aid kits. The products available on this page are OSHA compliant, and they're designed to serve up to 50 people. These kits come with more pieces than many of our smaller kits, and they also provide more storage space. They hold 196 pieces and can be used in many worksites and vehicles. They're ideal for companies that don't have more than 50 employees. Since these kits carry 20 critical products, they meet important federal OSHA requirements. Some notable products that come with each kit are a 6-piece CPR pack and four-ounce bottle of eyewash. You can purchase these kits for a workplace to keep them inside of your fleet vehicles. The metal cases are durable and can take a beating. Every day, thousands of work-related accidents occur. Many companies are able to handle the situation well while others fail. The difference between these companies is preparedness. If you want to be prepared for workplace accidents, these first aid kits are affordable investments. With 196 pieces, they can serve 50 employees and keep everyone prepared for emergency situations. The cost of a single first aid kit is a small price to pay for preparedness. |
226-U 50 Person, 196-Piece Bulk Kit Contents |
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